A financial institution (hereafter referred to as “FI Bank”) aims to prioritize its credit card customer base in the upcoming financial year. The marketing research team (“MRT”) at FI Bank has identified opportunities for enhancing market penetration. In light of this finding, the MRT proposes personalized campaigns to attract new customers and upsell to existing ones. Additionally, MRT indicates that customers perceive FI Bank’s support services poorly. Consequently, the Operations team (“OT”) intends to enhance the service delivery model to expedite resolution of customer queries. Recognizing these challenges, the heads of MRT and OT are requesting assistance.
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Credit Card services present these problems:
Identify and classify the different segments in the existing customer base, based on their spending patterns, past interaction with the bank, and any other important data available. Specify the characteristics of each segment and notice the weak or strong patterns of each segment. Provide recommendations to FI Bank for each segment based on items 1 and 2 above. These recommendations should include how to expand the market penetration (new and current customers) and how to improve the customer services. Possibly recommend what type of service feature is important for each segment.
Data Dictionary
The data provided is of various FI Bank’s customers and their financial attributes like credit limit, the total number of credit cards the customer has, and different channels through which customers have contacted the bank for any queries (including visiting the bank, online and through a call center).
Q1. How can the customers be grouped/segmented (classified)?
Q2. What are the commonalities of each group/segment? ie:
Q3. What is the group/segment that has the most/least interactions/particular type of interaction with FI Bank?
Q4. Is there a relationship between Average Credit Limit/Total Credit Cards and customer satisfaction (assuming that the number of interactions is an indication of unsolved issues)?
Q5. What is the relationship between Average Credit Limit/Total Credit Cards to interactions/type of interactions with FI Bank (this question is partially addressed by Q2)?
Q6. What recommendations can be made for each group/segment to improve customer satisfaction (assuming that the number of interactions is an indication of unsolved issues)?
Q7. What recommendations can be made based on segment characteristics to increase market penetration/expand services to current customers?
With this set of questions, we address the problems introduced earlier and make recommendations to FI Bank.
This is an unsupervised classification problem.